Spiritual awakening versus spiritual bypassing.
Whatever we do in the name of spirituality, if it doesn’t lead to more personal responsibility, doesn’t improve our relationships, and...
One-pointed focus - why do many eastern spiritual traditions teach it?
Many ancient scriptures and spiritual methods - from the Yoga Sutra's, to the Buddhist Eightfold Path, to Taoism, the list goes on -...
From soaked almonds, to sexual energy, to spiritual awakening
One of my daily practices that comes from Ayurveda is to eat a handful of soaked almonds each morning to increase what is known as...
The true job of a coach, ‘healer’, teacher or mentor...
The true job of a coach, ‘healer’, teacher or mentor... …Is not to save you, feel sorry for you, give you advice or answers, or do the...
Working with Energy and Alchemizing Your Libido
Personally, I started my spiritual journey as a skeptic. I got interested in meditation, because it made sense to my scientific mind, but...
From Indivi-Duality to Non-Duality
When caught in the illusion of separation and individuality, one sees oneself as a separate entity in a world full of separate entities....
Tools for awakened thinking
How to focus the mind more effectively in short periods of intentional thinking - A big and common misunderstanding of mindfulness...
The Art of Doing Nothing
The best way to do anything, is by learning to do nothing. Of course, to the rational mind, that does not make any sense. A common thing...
You are already enlightened.
The carrot of enlightenment is not to be chased, but to be found in your own hand. - From the first moment I heard about enlightenment...
Where do thoughts come from?
Any person that sits down in meditation and tries to stop their thoughts will soon found out that this is practically impossible for long...
What is reality made of?
Our dreams are, because unstable by nature, commonly assumed to be unreal; Empty of solidity, projected by the mind, and depending upon...
Extraordinary ordinariness
Daily mundane experiences, as portals towards enlightenment. The catalyst for self realization disguised as the cashier at the...
Confidence is what happens when you become okay with feeling insecure
Especially for the masculine in our society, insecurity is often treated as something undesirable, a weakness. Men, you would be...
A non-dual approach towards emotions
When the ego doesn’t like an emotional state it finds itself in, it will move into a state of resistance. Instead of simply experiencing...
You have never judged anyone else except for yourself
To observe others is great; it can birth empathy, understanding and connection. Yet to have an emotional charge or sense of rejection...
Why you need to be inauthentic to be authentic
It can be quite a journey, to figure out what authenticity is. You cannot possibly nót be ‘yourself’ right? So… Isn’t everyone therefore...
The three planes of reality
The three planes of one's reality; The plane of Shiva. The void of pure consciousness. Non-dual, eternal, beyond birth and death. The...
Unexpected enlightenment
…and the explosive moment of enlightenment you sought never came, yet you began finding yourself content in the midst of discontentment....
Meditation hacks: cleaning up the diet
One can easily waste a lot of time trying to still mind with long hours of meditation when one is not living a lifestyle that is...
How truthful communication will set you free
Truth needs to be your highest priority if you desire to be free. In your thinking, in your communication to others, and in your doing....