The Power of Boredom
One of the most consistent exercises I give to my private clients, especially when summer begins to end and autumn begins to arrive, is...
Don't Solidify in your Worldviews
Every concept is false. Or at best, more or less accurate in representing truth. - The moment we start to speak about ‘my ideology’ or...
The Three Psychic Knots of Hatha Yoga
The ancient teachings of Hatha Yoga and Tantra explain (quite brilliantly) a deep connection between mind and body, consciousness and...
A Secret Practice
When we first hear about secret initiations and practices, Kundalini visions and mysterious third-eye touching guru’s in Himalayan caves,...
You Are The Sky
Next time you meditate, try this simple instruction to have a swift glimpse of no-mind. - Sit comfortably, straighten the spine....
Unmasking The Self
The other day, here at our month long co-living experience with Innate in South Portugal, I gave everyone in the group a piece of paper...
Social Media, Vulnerability & Privacy
There was a time where I would share lengthy vulnerable posts on the processes I was going through. It was like a trend in the social...
Yogic Siddhis: Dormant spiritual powers that awaken through insight and practice
ॐ In the Yoga Sutra’s, an ancient scripture of over 2000 years old, one of the four chapter is completely dedicated to describe...
Honor your obstacles
In life and as humans, we inevitably encounter obstacles along our path. Sometimes, these obstacles protect us from going down a path...
Dealing with the ego when doing spiritual work
Someone I coach asked me: I want to build my personal brand, I believe I can help people. I was wondering how you do that? Obviously you...
The only way out is through
I used to be, and still am, deeply interested in the concept - or rather experience of - enlightenment. Complete spiritual clarity. But I...
Allow people to be exactly as they are
Part of the spiritual process is to learn to allow people to be exactly as they are, and not how you want them to be. And to make no...
I do not wish anyone healing
Because to wish so would imply that someone is currently broken.
Lessons I learned from coaching for 4 years
Since about four years I’ve been doing one-on-one mentorships and coaching. Its shape has been ever transforming, and I’ve learned a lot...
Combining spiritual methods
In an era in which a wide variety of ancient spiritual teachings is more accessible than ever, many people will naturally and unavoidably...
The Commitment to Experience Beauty
The Commitment to Experience Beauty - A commitment to myself that naturally unfolded throughout the years, one of my highest...
Don't rush your healing journey
for otherwise you will never lose yourself or be happy.
Fully Trusting the Pull from Your Heart and Surrendering to the Intelligence of Life
Fully Trusting the Pull from Your Heart and Surrendering to the Intelligence of Life As soon as we open up spiritually, to some kind of...
The Life-Long Maturation of Authenticity
Is there anyone that can claim full authenticity? I know I wouldn’t dare to make that claim myself whatsoever and would highly doubt...
Debunking assumptions about spiritual enlightenment
I always get excited, and also a little self-conscious (which is actually quite funny in this context), to speak about this: The concept...