The Power of Boredom
Don't solidify in your worldviews
Understanding and Overcoming the Three Psychic Knots as Described in Hatha Yoga
A Secret Practice
You Are The Sky
Unmasking The Self
Integrity - the highest spiritual practice
Poem: Who is the painter on the empty canvas?
Social Media, Vulnerability & Privacy
Yogic Siddhis: Dormant spiritual powers that awaken through insight and practice
Honor your obstacles
Poem: Living as love
Dealing with the ego when doing spiritual work
The only way out is through
Allow people to be exactly as they are
I do not wish anyone healing
Lessons I learned from coaching for 4 years
Combining spiritual methods
The Commitment to Experience Beauty
Don't rush your healing journey
Poem: The unchanging in you and me
Fully Trusting the Pull from Your Heart and Surrendering to the Intelligence of Life
The Life-Long Maturation of Authenticity
Debunking assumptions about spiritual enlightenment