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Allow people to be exactly as they are

Part of the spiritual process is to learn to allow people to be exactly as they are, and not how you want them to be.

And to make no differences in this, whether they are family or strangers.

If they want to be angry, let them.

If they want to be happy, let them.

If they want to have an opinion of you, let them.

If they are not interested in you, let them.

When you stop engaging and entangling yourself with negative energies and people, these energies and people will naturally leave your life.

As they have nothing to cling to, there is no resonance, no entertainment to get from you. No ultra-strong boundaries needed to protect yourself.

And if negative energies and people are a significant part of your life, it is because they reflect something that you carry.

It could be that deep down you (unconsciously and out of trauma) need drama to feel yourself alive.

It could be that you feel guilty to choose your own path and therefore don’t dare to take distance from people that aren’t good for you.

It could be that you make yourself dependent of people that aren’t good for you.

True spirituality is not a walk in the park; it is profound courage, devotional commitment, deep independence, the discovery of extraordinary powers within.

All of us have all of it. No hierarchies.

And Life is always holding out a hand or an option, somewhere.

But it's only up to the individual, and to the individual only, to take it.

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