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Offering techniques and guidance to awaken your full potential in Life, Heart and Mind.


Thomas Mathias

Nomad, International Teacher, Speaker, Facilitator, Mentor, Bodyworker. Tantric Hatha Yoga, Pranayama, Breathwork, Meditation, Nonduality, Life Force Cultivation, Eastern Philosophy, Ayurveda, Yogic Living

Seen in courses and events from

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Alexa Slaughter, USA

"I was blown away by the things I gained from my work with Thomas. The heart and soul he pours into his clients is boundless. His coaching shifted me from thinking into feeling and listening instead of speaking. Thomas is so alive with wisdom and I could not be more grateful for the expansion from this experience."


Cole Robinson, USA

"Where to begin to express the gratitude I have for the time with Thomas as my mentor. This last year has been the most transformational time of my life. Thomas has really guided me to put the aspirations and ideas I have had for a long time into action. He acts as a mirror in my life to show me clearly what I already am. He is an excellent teacher."


Himesh Hewawasam, Can

"You seem to have a deep intuition of sensing into the core needs of someone and seeing what would help them beyond what they perceive themselves. The more I investigate the insights you brought up about balancing my masculine and feminine energies, the more I see how it has affected me throughout my whole life. Just in the past few weeks I've seen changes in my mood, daily interactions and work. I appreciate you and the work you do. So much love!"

Live Pranayama and Meditation sessions, every Sunday at 16PM UK time in collaboration with yogalap


Free online talks and practice video's of Hatha Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, Asana, Qi-Gong, and explorations of philosophies of Yoga, Buddhism, and the Direct Path teachings of Advaita Vedanta, Classical Tantra, and Dzogchen. 


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A compassionate and safe space to heal and come back to the natural state.

An honest mirror that will help you move beyond blind-spots and false identities.

A leap of faith into the unknown, beyond fear and strategies, in active surrender to life.

Not a 'master your life in seven days' course, or a place for spiritual entertainment.


But deep spiritual mentorship that will echo onward and forward for a life-time.

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Therapeutic healing bodywork 


In collaboration with Innate.


Themed Colivings. Month-long experiences where select people are brought together, to live & work-remotely in natural paradises – while immersing themselves into a theme.


Next up: Meditation Colive june, Portugal.

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